About Us

Shenzhen Wendefu Technology Co., Ltd (WDFT)


Leading Global Distributor of Semiconductors and Electronic Components


Shenzhen Wendefu Technology Co., Ltd (WDFT) is recognized as one of the industry's fastest-growing global catalog and online distributors of semiconductors and electronic components.


Customer-Oriented Distribution


For many years, WDFT has been committed to providing design engineers and buyers with reallocated, obsolete, long lead-time, and the newest products and leading-edge technologies. Our dedication to unsurpassed customer service ensures we meet the demands of design engineers and buyers. We are redefining customer-focused distribution with a keen focus on delivering what you need when you need it.


Continuously Updated Inventory


Our website searches over millions of products, making it easy to locate and purchase over a million available items online. WDFT adds new products daily, clearly identifying parts that are not recommended for new designs or are obsolete. Our user-friendly tools, such as automatic order confirmation and the WDFT Search Accelerator, save you time and streamline your purchasing process.


Broad Product Line


WDFT is your one-stop source for all board-level components and associated development tools needed for complete project design. Our extensive line card includes millions of advanced components, covering every vertical market comprehensively. We specialize in sourcing original obsolete parts, allowing you to have confidence in designing with the electronics available. Easily sign up online to check our inventory.


Exceptional Worldwide Customer Service


Our Production Business and Supply Chain Management services help customers complete their jobs efficiently and bring their products to market quickly. WDFT stands out with unique services that translate into better support for you.


Why Choose WDFT?


Extensive Product Range Millions of advanced components available.

Customer-Focused Support: Dedicated to meeting the needs of design engineers and buyers.

User-Friendly Tools: Automatic order confirmation and advanced search tools.

Global Reach: Comprehensive supply chain management and production services.


Thank you for choosing WDFT. Explore our website to discover how we can assist with your electronic component needs.


For more information, visit our [wdft.net] and stay updated with our latest offerings and services.